I’m Honoring Myself
Although I've managed to accomplish many of the goals that I set out to achieve in the midst of battling depression, the journey at times was extremely difficult. I had imposter syndrome before it was even considered a thing.
Letting Gratitude Prevail
Take a moment to think back on where you were last year, or even two years ago. Your life, likely, looks different now, for many reasons.
Knowing When To Let Go (Releasing Toxic Friendships)
It can be one of the hardest things to do in this life. When relationships take a turn for the worse, the person on the receiving end of the pain can often be the last person to recognize that there is even an issue.
What She Said! Quotes By Sistahs That We Admire
Sistahs have a lot to say, and we LOVE it! For far too long Black women have been relegated to holding in their emotions, silencing their thoughts, and conforming for the comfort of others. No longer!